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What to Do with All of that Halloween Candy

Here are a few tips to dealing with excess candy!

  1. Let the kids keep enough candy to have a couple of pieces over the next week or two. Make sure you give it enough time for the excitement of the holiday to wear off. Dispose of the rest.

  2. When the kiddos ask for a piece of candy, pair it up with a healthy treat like an apple, banana, or celery and peanut butter.

  3. "Buy back" candy from your kids with money or "tokens" that they can trade in for a fun family activity like going to the zoo, the aquarium, a sports game, bowling, or roller skating.

  4. Tuck the candy away to fill a piñata for an upcoming birthday celebration.

  5. Use it to decorate a gingerbread house during the holidays.

Most importantly, if you have a killer sweet tooth and the temptation is strong, tuck your candy out of plain sight. You can even ask your partner to tuck it away so you don't know where it is.

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