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Free Nutrition Resource

Don't expect to see a change if you don't make one.

The Nutrition & Fitness Connection Nutrition and fitness certainly can’t exist without each other. Because of this, we want to make sure you have the tools to make the necessary changes to reach your goals.  Take advantage of reputable websites, like the USDA and When you follow qualified and credible information, coupled with appropriate training, results will speak for themselves. Navigate through the website and explore each food group. Read about serving sizes and portion recommendations. There are even calorie specific plans with food targets you can reference. Try a recipe! Collard Green and Gumbo Ham Hock Explore! Sample 2-Week Menu

USDA Dietary Guidelines Educate yourself on what foods to increase and what foods to decrease in your diet. Based on the 2015-2020 guidelines, foods to increase in the diet are fruits, vegetables, grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy, a variety of protein and plant proteins, and plant-based, high quality oils. Remember Healthy Eating On-The-Go We have busy schedules too, so we understand getting a meal in on-the-go. Being proactive and having a plan in place is crucial to success.  When meal prepping for the week, wash off fruits and vegetables for easy access. Pack a healthy snack in your bag that consist of fiber, protein and healthy fats. When going out to eat, box up leftovers and portion before digging in. Swap out fries for fruits or vegetables. Simply try to eat slower at meal times. 

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